- Date:
- Location: Dubai, UAE
At Legatum Limited the design concept was to select plants following an Amazon-esque concept for Outdoor Landscaping. At the same time, the client didn’t want to be facing huge maintenance costs. In terms of indoor planting, the only credible and valuable solution was to use Hydroculture plants. Hydroculture plants have a self-regulatory watering system, which can be controlled and handled by the customers themselves. Hydroculture plants are without soil and planted in pure water only, making them the most environmentally healthy solution for any indoor planting system. No soil, means no flies, no odor, instead natural humidity to counterbalance stagnant AC air.
The Amazon-esque design allowed us to go beyond the more typical plants and put together the lushest and most unique living plants – and from the viewpoint of an indoor landscaper being in this business since 1980 it was pure joy: Kentia Palms, Rhapis Palms, Ficus cyathistipula, Monstera deliciosa, Philodendron xanadu, Philodendron narrow, Chamaedorea elegans, Spathiphyllum sensation, Ficus lyrata, Ficus lyrata bambino, Ficus elastica abidjan.
Even outdoors – more conscious because of the light and weather situation – we put together a beautiful arrangement of Areca Palms, Washingtonia Palms, Ficus Wild Shape, Cycas, Bougainvillea, Ruelias & Clerodendrum –Â mixing color and shapes.
None of the planting was done systematically. The plants were planted to create a natural feeling, simply put together as they were handed to the planting team.